Does leopard work with Eudora 6.4?

hills david

G'day folks

I am running Eudora 6.4 on five OSX Macs, and I don't want to upgrade to Leopard until I know for certain that it is going to be compatible (as you will know Eudora - which for 12 years has been the best email software in the world, bar none - is no longer being supported by Qualcomm, and I would rather keep my old operating systems going for as long as possible while I continue to shop around for a viable alternative to Eudora).

Yes - I know all about the Eudora 8/Penelope/Thunderbird project. A worthy try, but a very long way to go yet.

So does anyone know yet - does Leopard work with the old 6.4 versions of Eudora Pro (there will be no upgrades if it doesn't).


Hills David
Eudora 6.4.2 works with Leopard on my 2.4gb iMac. I did the upgrade install w/o a problem. Eudora looks and acts the same as it did in Tiger.
I have the latest version of Eudora on and its not really great, when the program recieves mail it often hangs and subsequently crashes and a report comes up for Apple. I have switched my incoming mail to mail. its Ok, I am still using eudora on Tiger as I have only upgraded my power book and I am waiting to see how it went, several other programs have hung and subsequently crashed but the overall feel and look of the new OSX is very good, I suspect it won't be too long before the program makers and developers reissue update to existing stuff (Hope)
Thanks for that - maybe you haven't heard that Eudora for Mac is dead (Qualcomm have stopped selling it, and have stopped supporting it - see: ).

The Mozilla / Thunderbird people have put together an 'open source' version of Eudora, called Eudora 8, but it is pretty buggy and does not have a lot of Eudora's ease of use & great file management (and some other things missing too). Plus it has proved impossible for me to import all my Eudora files into it - it is a tragedy, but until something better comes along, I don't want to risk crashing the version of Eudora I am using (it is already getting flakey with the various upgrades to OSX 10.4).

I am experimenting with the 'Mail' program that comes bundled with Macs, but after Eudora it looks a bit sad and sorry... Very sad to see such great software fall by the wayside.
Thanks for the response yes I had heard and have looked at thunderbird, "not doing it for me I am afraid" Liked eudora, anyway tried mail in leopard better but not really any good, so this evening took the bull by the horns and loaded leopard on my Mac pro it took 20 minutes to install, a long time looking at that blue screen at the end scared me to death, then bingo it came up and opened, Eudora opened up and started. I had disabled the auto check earlier, reinstated it and off it went down loading 10 messages opened all Ok, printed filed and all still ok, On my other mac I had problems but its an older powerbook G4, so could have been that anyway at the moment its working and I have no reason to believe it won't carry on. Hope that may help

The Mozilla / Thunderbird people have put together an 'open source' version of Eudora, called Eudora 8, but it is pretty buggy and does not have a lot of Eudora's ease of use & great file management (and some other things missing too). ...
Eudora 8 is Thunderbird with a different skin. In fact, its true version number is Eudora, the same as Thunderbird It is not nor does it claim to be compatible with previous versions of Eudora. Eudora-compatibility is promised for later in the development of the opensource client. For me, I switched from Eudora to Mail when I upgraded from MacOS 9 to MacOS X 10.0. I have not looked back.
I am experimenting with the 'Mail' program that comes bundled with Macs, but after Eudora it looks a bit sad and sorry... Very sad to see such great software fall by the wayside.
Happens all the time. Apple left OS 9 behind, PageMaker was great for some people (and InDesign wasn't ready to replace it, really, 'til version 2 or 3)... It happens _all_ the time. I think it's time to leave Eudora behind now. The new version might, in 2-5 years, be somewhere near where the old Eudora was left, but that's not a solution for right now. might look "sad and sorry" to you, but I gather that's mostly for the change and not really the featureset. can handle all the accounts you possibly have, handles multiple folders nicely and has those nice automatic search-folders you might know from iTunes, it works perfectly with Spotlight search and you can create rules for sorting etc. in its Preferences. My guess: Once you really delve into it, you'll find it's more than adequate.
And before you say "but it's no Eudora": Well, it isn't. Eudora was Eudora, but it is no more. Eudora is now Thunderbird. And that's actually less of a replacement for it than is. For me.
I'm glad to hear that your Eudora still works. So you upgraded - not archive and install?

How about installing Eudora fresh.

Sidenote - did you have any success configuring the gmail IMAP?

For me it _is_ the feature set. The way personalities are handled is simply superior. But your post sounds like you used to use Eudora. When did you give it up?
I too am finding Eudora 6.2.4 crash-prone under MacOS X 10.5.1. I'm on a PB G4 17" Aluminum 1.0 GHz, 1.5 GB RAM, lots of free HD space. Symptom: Works fine (at normal speed) for a while, then user interface abruptly slows down to a crawl (example: selecting next message in a list, or dragging a window). Force Quit / relaunch, works fine for a while, repeat... The instability level is now a serious productivity impact for me. I haven't tried reinstalling Eudora.

Today I Googled "eudora leopard unstable" and found this forum -- but also this company IDS, which is apparently racing toward a Mac/Windows/Linux beta of a Eudora successor called Odysseus:

I've read their forums (implementation plan, feedback from current Eudora users, etc.) and am eagerly awaiting their beta. I'm a Eudora "Paid" customer and will gladly become one of IDS's customers if they deliver what they describe.