Does the new TiBook 800 still have IRDA?


Just a quick question if the new Titanium's just released still have the IRDA functionality. I'm looking at buying one next week. :D

This has the Powerbook FAQ but it's not about the current powerbooks. It is still talking about the 550 and 667 models. What about the new 667 and 800 models?

Would it still be worth getiing an old model if this is the case.... I would very much like to be able to use the IRDA immediately and not have to get a bluetooth phone. Is the 1Mb level 3 cache really important? The clock speed of the 'old' 667 versus the new '667' is the same what are the other main performance issues?

Any body experience with the new Titaniums. :confused:
I've seen the posts about IRDA bugs in OS X but those seem to have been fixed with the new version updates.

Any experience with Bluetooth anybody?

Thanx guys for yur help.
Yeah, checked that... I think my post was wishfull thinking anyway. The specs say you need aditional USB hardware for the bluetooth device. Ah...just saw this post should've done a better search. :eek:

Looks like I'm going to have to get a new phone and a dLink to be connected whilst on the road. :mad: What was apple thinking taking both the IRDA out and not putting in an internal bluetooth adapter? Aaaaargh.:confused: Well the extra performance better be worth it.

Anybody any idea why the dLink is temporarily unavailable?
Anyone know if Apple's Bluetooth preview supports other bluetooth USB adapters?

When's the full Bluetooth release scheduled for?
