Does the Powermac G5 have two drives?


I was wondering.

By looking at the G5, it looks like it only has one drive. So for copying, you'd have to copy the CD to the HD, insert a blank CD and then copy, like a notebook would do.

Question is, does it only have one drive? Or does it have 2 suction drives behind the small panel?

One drive, so not a lot of expansion in that area (which is too bad considering the size of the thing). Though, from my experiences with copying CD/DVDs, the two drive method usually leads to problems, or neither drive being able to work as fast as it would otherwise.
I can't understand how so much effort is put on looks and not functionality. I love the look of the G5, but to go from the additional space added in my MDD to just 2 hard drives was a bad idea. Maybe next generation G5 might be able to accomodate.