Does this Exist


Okay so a friend told me that they had seen and ad for an external battery that plugs into the DC in port for iBooks and powerbooks. To which I replied "Cool, now I can use that to swap my iBooks battery w/o having to turn it off."

Well, I've looked everywhere and I can't find anything about this. I found a company that makes something similar for IBMs, but my friend was certain that the ones he saw was for Macs.

Anybody know if these things actually do exist?
Did you Check the Apple Store?
Extra Portable Power Adapter - 65W (for iBook & PowerBook) $79.00

Designed to be small and lightweight, the Apple Portable Power Adapter is the perfect traveling companion. The adapter has a clever design which allows the DC cable to be wound neatly around itself for easy cable storage. Colored status LEDs, located in the head of the DC-connector that plugs into your Apple portable, indicate charging status. An amber ring lets you know that your portable is charging, while a green ring tells you that you have a full charge. An AC cord is provided with the adapter for maximum cord length, while the AC wall adapter (also provided) gives users an even easier and more compact way to travel. Designed to fit in the palm of your hand, the new power adapter is as innovative as the product it serves.

This power adapter recharges the lithium ion battery while the system is off, on, or in sleep mode. It also powers the system if you choose to operate without a battery.

Important: Only compatible with the Titanium PowerBook G4 or dual-USB iBook with 500MHz G3 processor or higher.

Maybe this was what your friend saw. :)
I am aware of apples portable power adapter, but that is not what I am talking, nor what my friend was talking about.

I'm talking about an external Battery that would connect to the iBook via the dc in port (where you normally plug in the power adapter).

I found a product by Electrovaya. The only problem is that their products (PowerPad 120 & PowerPad 160) only work with IBM style computers. My friend swears that he saw a similar product made to work with Macs.

I read something about a possible match on a google cache of a webpage (I think it was The product was supposedly from Japan, but didn't have an archive that kept their pages long enough to be helpful.
I have one that works on the oooooold powerbooks. It's a power dongle that takes a 9 volt battery. It's hilarious.

Did you know you can swap the battery with the iBook asleep? That's good fun too. You have like 30 seconds of no battery sleep time. Does this alleviate the problem for you?
Originally posted by theed
Did you know you can swap the battery with the iBook asleep? That's good fun too. You have like 30 seconds of no battery sleep time. Does this alleviate the problem for you?
Are you sure? I know the TiBooks have no problems hotswapping the battery, but as soon as I turn the battery lock on my ice book the power cuts out.

Do you have a procedure that works? I'll give just about anything, within reason, a try.
Originally posted by Gnomo
I found a product by Electrovaya. The only problem is that their products (PowerPad 120 & PowerPad 160) only work with IBM style computers. My friend swears that he saw a similar product made to work with Macs.

From what, as well as the website for electrovaya, they do have PowerPads that are compatible with Macs. They are the PowerPad 120C and PowerPad 160C. The C apparently is a designation for computer type supported, as A and B are for different Windows-based laptops. The C, however, is compatible with both G3 and G4 laptops.

The article on can be found with the link right below...

I hope that helps!
very nice. I was about to suggest a UPS. ;-) That electrovaya thing looks really sweet.

OK, I can't verify the iBook sleep swap. I do know it works on the TiBook. I must also note that a 12v DC to 115v AC power inverter (put an outlet in your car) power inverter can be had for about $30 nowadays.
The new iBooks, at least as of the dual USB 500, aren't sleep-swappable. The only system battery is the main battery, so they die between you removing the drained battery and inserting the fresh one. Not enough capacitance or anything to keep it going. There is/was a KB article regarding this, as well.

I tried repeatedly with mine to no avail, no matter how quickly I changed them.

I can't speak for the latest revisions, though Apple certainly wouldn't have added that capability -- it's one of the many features seperating pro from consumer line.