Does Using a Mac or a Pc change the settings on my Ipod


Can i use my Mac and then use a Pc to download music and vise versa without deleting my songs from my ipod..
Just that everytime i go to use another computer it always deletes my play list. Is there anything i can do to 1. Allow me to use multiple computers ie: Mac/PC, 2. How can i set my ipod up so that i can take songs off it at my own discreation..

I.m sure these questions have already been asked but as a first time owner of a Mac and an Ipod, i would be greatfull for some help

Many thanks in advance.
I use a mac and a pc, with iPod enabled for disk use. I manage my library on my mac and sync my iPod to my mac only.

When I want to get songs on to my pc, I either use PodUtil shareware to extract the songs from the iPod (there's a mac and a windows version), or simply copy the song files to a folder on my mac desktop. I then move that folder onto my iPod using the iPod as a hard drive. I then remove that folder once I'm connected to my pc. This second method is actually easier for me and doesn't require any additional software. Again, though, sync'ing and library management is handled on only one machine.