Don't buy Moto stock anytime soon!

What's up? Just find out the stock is tripling in value and don't want any competition while you buy it up? :p

pure speculation: they are dropping the PowerPC and giving all future PowerPC rights to IBM.
they definitely need some major corporate restructing... i have a number of aquaintances that work or have worked for them and they speak of massive chains of command... lots of managers and managers of managers managers, if you know what i mean.

kinda like Office Space... I have 8 bosses.
That'd be cool if APPLE bought the PPC assets, although IBM buying them wouldn't be bad either. :) Just NOT Intel!

Oh, and by the way, if you believe this guy, you probably SHOULD buy Moto stock if there's big news, because if it's good news (as was implied), then the stock will go shooting up after the news, in which case you'd have been better off buying the stock now. :p
What really helps you is finding something that goes with the word "Hi" for making the new cpu more popular.