Dont Read This If You Want Tomorrow To Be A Surprise!!

The picture isn't very good but since it is Time I don't know. I certainly am not going to get my hopes up till tomarrow.
I really hope it is a falsity because I feel that thing is SICK ugly. The Cube was way cooler and no one even bought that! No offense to Cube owners, I love them :)
this ruined my Macworld experience tomorrow... goddamn i flew over here for nothing now... i might as well pack my shit back up and fly 2000 miles back home... thanks TIME MAGAZINE!
Originally posted by swizcore
I really hope it is a falsity because I feel that thing is SICK ugly. The Cube was way cooler and no one even bought that! No offense to Cube owners, I love them :)

Exactly HOW is it ugly? Seriously, it's a fucking hemisphere on the bottom with a flat-panel screen attached. It's not ugly. Ugly would be if it was colored brown. Just because that's not how you thought it would turn out doesn't mean you have to brand it as ugly.
I completely agree with the good man simX, this thing is hot. You have to out of your mind to lable this thing ugly. It so damn sleek, you just can't handle it.
I totally disagree, but then again it seems everything grows on me over time I guess. But for now I feel that it looks so disproportionate that it just rubs me wrong, Its this rectangle sitting on a stick connected to a fatass looking Airport base. Picture a keyboard in front of it and a mouse beside it and it totally takes away from the simplicity of the original iMac, it may NOT be anymore pieces than the original but it certainly looks like, ... I dunno... just yucky to me. . Sure it is slick looking for computer hardware but i would have expected something cooler from Apple. Alot of the fake mockups I have seen of iMacs looked WAY cooler.
i love the new design... who else would even think of doing something like this?! only apple. why? they've got steve jobs. steve is the greatest. he's got the balls to try out things that have never been done.

now, the pricing is pretty well suited... $1299 for the entry-level and $1899 for the high-end... WITH G4 PROCESSORS! that's below the cost for a current PowerMac G4 and a 15 inch Studio Display.

i love it. i will buy it as soon as it is available... no doubt about it...

read the WHOLE article... it is good reading...

now, if only time magazine would have waited until AFTER the keynote, i would be much more joyous!
i'm with swizcore on this one - at least just from seeing a picture. basically ugly. but i might change my mind seeing one in person. It looks like ilamp. we've been goofing and spoofing all these common household ithings and they come out with ilamp. we plain forgot that one.:p

and blingbling - did you see the weather in ohio? be glad you're here and enjoy yourself. SF is an interesting city. it is not as boring as ohio:D hope you're still here by weds. or thurs.. then maybe we could hook up. and maybe steve will pull something else out of his back pocket just to surprise you and make your trip worthwhile - because this ilamp is certainly not going to live up to the hype all on its own. (imho):)
yes, i notice the weather... i feel sorry for all those people! :D

i will only be in SF for the keynote. I'll take a quick look around the Expo and then it's back to Ohio. remember, i'm only 14 and i've still got school :( it took a lot of convincing for me to get there...

expo will be great and the new things apple will release are truely beautiful... you couldn't have imagined it! that's why it's "Way beyond the rumor sites. Way beyond." and I'm glad it looks like this and not anything standard. This pushes apple way out front.

Although, the $1299 starting price is a bit high, it's way cheaper than a PowerMac G4... but I'll still go for the high end $1899 model! :D
Umm .. if that's real (which I'm guessing it is) I'm disappointed. That looks pretty weak for an Apple product.
and suddenly i saw the light!! (pun intended)

it will probably sit right on top of simx's cube. the cube can be converted into an external hd and peripheral hub. stack several cubes under it and you have a stack of macs (musicians should like this). stack enough cubes on it and it will sit on the floor freeing up huge amounts of desk space:D :rolleyes:

or maybe you'll be able to buy ipedestal from a third party and finally put apple physically where they have always been in our hearts.:)
IMHO this thing is just too damn ugly. Goodbye Apple. Goodbye Cocoa. This is the beginning of the end. :(

Its like the cube, only butt freakin' ugly

it will fail.

Its so sad. Jobs has such a vision...
I had a vision of something like this a few days ago, except the components were inside a separate dome-shaped translucent plastic chassis and the monitor-on-a-stick was connected by an ADC cable.

If this is indeed Apple's next iMac there are some obvious problems. I'd better state them before I get caught up in the RDF tomorrow.

Too much like the cube.
Could the iBlob be the hub of your digital lifestyle? Firewire and USB connectors make it easy to attach a myriad of little translucent rectangular devices with Apple logo on the back. But what else can you attach to this lamp-like appliance? How much memory can you add? Get ready for the Inquisition once more, Apple!

The display sits too high.
According to ergonomic principles the top edge of your display should be level with your line of sight or even a little lower for extended usage periods. Sitting on my desk the iBlob

The display is too small - it's an iBook display.
Simply a matter of the display being disproportionate to the base. If the base were smaller or separate from the display it might make a difference. An awful lot of folks familiar with the iBook are going to scoff because you get hardly anything more than you get with an iBook - without the portability. Even if it's a G4 machine it won't do much to convince anyone. Photoshop benchmarks will not sell this appliance.

Expandability expandability expandability
I can't see a DVD slot on the front, can you? What about PCI slots? These questions are going to be relevant if this machine comes in above the $999 price point. The iBlob is poised to inherit the iMac mantle, but it's a very new appearance for a computer and can't avoind inheriting the legacy of the Cube as well. How can this be successful? Only on the merits of its features.

Versatility versatility versatility
The venerable CRT-based iMac had the benefit of familiarity. It was immediately evident to anyone who saw it that it was a console. It might sit atop a swiveling base but it would remain otherwise stationary. The iBlob has the appearance of a modular system but it probably isn't. The screen probably swivels but I'm guessing it will not be removable. You won't be able to hook another computer to its display for presentation purposes.

Where can one envision such a machine living? I see it in the corner of a countertop, in a boutique, atop a restaurant podium.... This is not a computer made to sit down at, but to stand near. But even for these uses the base is a bit too large. Maybe this is why I favor two separate pieces.

After all of Apple's hype the iBlob is not likely to receive the accolades it probably deserves on some level. I just hope Steve doesn't feel compelled to bring out the team of "special" people who gave birth to this ugly duckling. Time will tell if it is to become a swan or end up as carrion for buzzards.
hmm, could be popular in trendy internet cafes. adjust the secrren to remove glare from window.
screw you all, I WANT ONE :D :p

seriously, I like it, I really like (and I was right that it will come in the white design without any color options)

I think it will sell! The design is like the current iMac! It is "cute". I'd certainly li to have such a thing in my living room for browsing the net. Damnit, I'll even order one as soon as it is possible. Not that I need one, my QUicksilver's my best friend, but I LOVE that thing! I only saw the small picture on SpyMac since Time took off all pics, but I still love it! This thing is so "cute", that it becomes your friend. Seriously, there - for example - is a difference the way I treat my Quicksilver and my Cube is cute and nice and warm and "cubish"....I could never do any harm to him (like installing Netscape :p ) and I already feel the same for this little fella

damnit, I can't wait....

but....what will be the "one more thing"-thing this year? He can't do it with the iMac, everybody has seen it now....
Originally posted by slur
Too much like the cube.
Could the iBlob be the hub of your digital lifestyle? Firewire and USB connectors make it easy to attach a myriad of little translucent rectangular devices with Apple logo on the back. But what else can you attach to this lamp-like appliance? How much memory can you add? Get ready for the Inquisition once more, Apple!

Um, how in the WORLD is this like the cube? The cube was priced at $1799 for a G4 processor and a DVD-ROM. This thing is priced, low-end, at $1299. For a G4 processor, and probably at least a CD-RW, if not a combo drive, in the low-end flat panel one.

The original iMac was priced at $1299. REMEMBER? And it didn't fail miserably.

The display sits too high.
According to ergonomic principles the top edge of your display should be level with your line of sight or even a little lower for extended usage periods. Sitting on my desk the iBlob

That's what it looks like, but I'll bet if you actually put it on your desk it'll be fine. None of us has seen one of these in person. Plus, from the TIME cover you can see that it tilts forward bringing the display down a bit.

The display is too small - it's an iBook display.
Simply a matter of the display being disproportionate to the base. If the base were smaller or separate from the display it might make a difference. An awful lot of folks familiar with the iBook are going to scoff because you get hardly anything more than you get with an iBook - without the portability. Even if it's a G4 machine it won't do much to convince anyone. Photoshop benchmarks will not sell this appliance.

Not true. It is a 14" screen. As far as viewable area goes, it is much larger than the iBook's screen, and larger than the CURRENT iMac's screen.

Expandability expandability expandability
I can't see a DVD slot on the front, can you? What about PCI slots? These questions are going to be relevant if this machine comes in above the $999 price point. The iBlob is poised to inherit the iMac mantle, but it's a very new appearance for a computer and can't avoind inheriting the legacy of the Cube as well. How can this be successful? Only on the merits of its features.

What, did you expect the iMac to magically become a PowerMac G4 overnight? God, the iMacs have NEVER had expandibility. As long as there is a convenient way to upgrade the RAM (which I'm sure there is), it's a great product. Seriously, get down to reality. The iMac is NOT going to be expandable.

Versatility versatility versatility
The venerable CRT-based iMac had the benefit of familiarity. It was immediately evident to anyone who saw it that it was a console. It might sit atop a swiveling base but it would remain otherwise stationary. The iBlob has the appearance of a modular system but it probably isn't. The screen probably swivels but I'm guessing it will not be removable. You won't be able to hook another computer to its display for presentation purposes.

Where can one envision such a machine living? I see it in the corner of a countertop, in a boutique, atop a restaurant podium.... This is not a computer made to sit down at, but to stand near. But even for these uses the base is a bit too large. Maybe this is why I favor two separate pieces.

After all of Apple's hype the iBlob is not likely to receive the accolades it probably deserves on some level. I just hope Steve doesn't feel compelled to bring out the team of "special" people who gave birth to this ugly duckling. Time will tell if it is to become a swan or end up as carrion for buzzards.

A lot of people said the same thing about the iMac when it first came out. And it has grown on people. The all-in-one design is a GREAT benefit, because out of the box you get great software and hardware and don't need to get anything else. I'll bet you everyone's going to harp on the form.....

.... and then everybody's going to buy one.

Final judgement? Reserve it until you actually see one. But keep your expectations realistic --- this is not a PowerMac. The cube was basically Jobs' attempt to get a low-priced G4 into the product line that would fit between the iMacs and the PowerMacs (it was only this after the price point was dropped to $1299). Now that it's gone, and these new iMacs sport G4 processors, we don't need that anymore. In a sense, it's taken out the need for a intermediate product. So, no, I don't believe this will go the way of the cube.
I'd be willing to put money on the fact that people will quickly change their opinions after 2 minutes and 17 seconds with one of these in a store.

Apple's ID team is -amazing-. ID like this doesn't happen without serious user interaction consideration. Wasn't anyone else frustrated by the fact that an iMac was shaped the way it was just to accomodate a cathode-ray tube? Bulky, lumpy, blob. Honestly- if you hate this design, how can you cope with the old iMac design? The old iMac squats, this one flies. This is the kind of design implication LCD screens have. New modes of use, interaction, and space.

I want to kill people complaining that it isn't expandible and that the screen is too small. It's a friggin' iMac..... GRRRRR.