Dont you guys upgrade

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sinclair_tm said:
i got an old 5500 starmax in storage nix. one of these days i'll dig it out and will have to have you help me install some flavor of unix on it. i did try downloading and installing linuxppc on my 7500 at one point in my life, but failed miserablly. yse, os x is unix based, and i have it on my g4, but it would still be fun and educational to run a pure unix on my older hardware. i'm bad, once i get my hands on a working mac, i never let go. i got -gasp- over 12, most of which are 68k.

Welcome to the club, we've got jackets! </Shrek> ::ha::

Considering that you and I frequent another forum dedicated to 68K Macs, this doesn't surprise me one bit. ;)

If you need any help installing Linux on that puppy, let me know. Linux/ppc has gotten much better through the years, but of course it's nothing like installing it on a PC, especially when it's an Old World Mac (New World Macs install the latest Linux distros very easily).

Trust me. If it weren't for my wife, this house would be filled to the brim with various generations of Macs...and yes, even some PCs, Amigas, and some other 80s computers as well.
Phluxy said:
The fact is that some of us are not rich like you. I don't have five ipods, a powermac g4 and a imac g5. I am stuck with powermac g3s and powerbook g3 wallstreets. And i am your age. But the fact is that even if you have better things than me doesn't mean your smarter than me or people on this forum. I am saving as much money as i can for a powermac g4 with agp graphics. Stop being a retard and don't post here anymore. you are not welcome. I believe classic is still great. And you should consider people value old computers and have of course earned them and don't get bought really expensive stuff from apple. I do use os x.4 but i still value os 9. I am the better person than you. I know more than you and I value older computers.

The only mac that is actually mine is the g3 WHICH DOSENT WORK so you have more than me so stop moaning
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