Dota and my mac


I have an eMac 512mb 800MHz G4

Many of you who play warcraft probably know the game dota. I love dota and i play it as much as i can. But I have a problem with it sometimes. The screen shows the load screen normally and appears to work fine but then before I even see the map I drop from the game and the ending scoresheet shows up on my screen. I know that it is not my internet connection disconnecting and I know it isn't that dota just doesn't work because this only happens about half the time. I think it may have to do with the host of the game because some hosts seem to work more often than others. I think that the problem may be some extension that ends dota when it detects something. If anyone knows what the problem may be please TELL ME!
this i know.. cause i was pulling my hair out trying to figure out wats wrong..

took me ages to find the solution,.. but its easy for a solution

Ok, the solution is to add more RAM.

that simple. DOTA uses a lot of RAM while loading.. so when its loading for us (normal not upgraded ibook), it will just drop us thinking we are not there anymore.

so just add more ram.
Thank you

This seems like it would make sense because it doesn't always drop so sometimes the ram can handle it but it seems to me like 512mb should be enough.
I have a similar problem with WC3 TFT. I have 640mb of RAM and I think that should be sufficient in loading almost anything. Originally when I bought WC3 I had the factory ATI 16mb video card and since then I've upgraded to a ATI 64mb video card. Is my problem still not having enough RAM on my Mac? \
Its a DP 450mhz w/640mb RAM.
The problem happens when, I'm loading Dota it would pause when the progress bar gets about 25% done for a LONG time. Then the game would finish loading, then start. I'll get messeges that players "so and so" are dropped.

Is this problem only with this map in particular? I only play this map online only. So this is kinda like a problem for me.