Download from a link


Say theres a song (.mp3) on a site that i want...

If i know the URL to the mp3 file how can i download it? If i put the URL into safari it opens a page with the quicktime media player and plays the song.


Sorry ive solved my own problem again. Incase anyone wanted to know

using VLC : If it is an mp3 broadcast, do not transcode the audio and encapsulate in a raw stream. Simply rename the file you'll get to an mp3 extension, and you're done!
If you have one button mouse (for example in PowerBook), hold Ctrl-key
and click the url. If you have two or more buttons, click the left-button.
In both cases, you get a popup menu that lets you download the file.
Sorry i should have explained better. The mp3s are played through a flash player where you can select the song you want to listen to. So you cannot right click to download the files
If you have the URL, enter it into Safari's address field and hold down the Option key as you hit return. That will download it straight to disk.
You can also paste the address (Cmd-"v") when the Download panel is the active window.