Download OS 9?


I am currently using a G5, OS 10.3.9 and can't play my old Diablo computer game unless I have "classic mac" software installed. How do I go about this? Is there a free version for us folks who are running osX? Thanks for your help.

Diablo Debbie
The option to install Classic should have been included in the discs that came with your G5. Check your discs.
I am currently using a G5, OS 10.3.9 and can't play my old Diablo computer game unless I have "classic mac" software installed. How do I go about this? Is there a free version for us folks who are running osX? Thanks for your help.

Diablo Debbie

I am up and running my wonderful Diablo - thanks to NixGeek! Who knew I already had it on disk. You rock!
The option to install Classic should have been included in the discs that came with your G5. Check your discs.

Hey NixGeek! You rock! I'm not sure how I'm supposed to reply to your super speedy reply to my request for help so I'm trying both options.

Had the disks as you said and everything looks GREAT! Thank you so much!

Gotto go kill badguys!

LOL. Thanks for the praise, debbieshuey. I'm glad you were able to get it installed. :)

You might want to give Burn's recommendation a try. That way, you'll be running the game natively in OS X without the need for running it in Classic mode. :)