Download problem


I recently installed an Airport card and connected to my PC network/broadband modem, but i can't seem to download files bigger than 4mb. The downloads start nicely at 200-300k/s, but after 3-4mb has come down, it seems to time out.

I'm running an iMac, OS 10.2, airport (with latest updates installed) on a d-link 614+ wireless hub/router.

General browsing is OK, but I seem to have to reload more pages than i ever had to on PC.

Help and/or advice much appreciated.

Thanks, but everything works fine on the PC's which share the same connection, so it's not the ISP.
Hummm. I don't know then. Alls i did when i got hooked up to DSL was hook up the box to the wall, hook up the wireless router to the box and my comptuer saw it. I actually didn't configure anything on my Mac. Course i wasn't using the AirPort Base Station either.

Good Luck