Downloading attachments from hotmail in Safari


I dont know why it is doing this, but everytime I try to download an attachment from my hotmail account in Safari, I get logged out of my account. What could be wrong?
If you have a copy of office, it can be easier to use entourage to manage your hotmail account.
Just re-log in and redownload the attachment. Also, the attachment could have a virus in it. Did you get a potential virus message from your hotmail account?

Sometimes my hotmail logs me out and when I log back in it goes back to where I left off. Weird. :)
Not a solution, but a better way of doing things:

Get httpmail for your version of OSX. It's a plugin for Apple's that will allow you to download all your Hotmail messages in Mail - foregoing the ads, the interface and this quirky issue that happens to numerous Safari users with Hotmail.
hi i'm trying to set up my mail in Mail. is the same as Mail? the Mail [program] that came already installed?

i downloaded the httpmail thing but when i open Mail i still get the initial spash screen telling me to fill in my details, but still only allows me POP, SMTP or exchange. is this a bug or am i doing something dumb?
Off topic but yeah -

Does anyone have troubles in hotmail with safari of emptying their junk-mail inbox ?? I do, since they changed they way the did it instead of the normal java script dialog now its a pop up window which doesnt work !
Lt Major, most people around here call the Application Mail (the one that comes with your mac) '', just to make it more clear.
