Downloading movies from Cannon S110


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I'm using OS X and iPhoto to download photos from my Cannon PowerShot S110. I never needed to install the software that came with the camera since iPhoto does such a great job.

However I can't figure out how to get movies off the camera. I'm sure if I install the Cannon software there will be a way to do it, but I was hoping there was another way around it.
I have the same issue. I also ran into trouble this past weekend with iPhoto crashing while importing. I had almost a full 128 mb CF card of pictures and towards the end of importing it suddenly crashed, I tried quite a few times. I don't know if it was a memory problem or if it was with the PhotoStitch pictures I took using the S110's Photostich mode. I was able to delete a select few of the pictures and I got it to work. Just wondering if yo had run into these problems.
I had iPhoto crash once when I was importing, but it was becuase I had the camera set to auto shut off. Once it shut off iPhoto freaked out. Other than that I've never had a problem. I have a 128MB card and I usually come close to filling but never all the way.