Downloading problem


When i go to download some stuff, i click the link than after a few seconds it just stops. Can this be because it is a dead link?
Well the only way to find out is to check if you can download other stuff. What are you trying to download? Maybe you should try downloading Quicktime 6, and see if that does work. Tell us if it works or not.:)
What do you mean by "stop"? I often get "completed" when it is not even completed but sounds like your problem is different...
I have the same problem, I use internet explorer and I have the same problem when I try to download some stuff, for exemple from versiontracker, to download I have to chosse the option especificaly, but if I click on the link the download just stops. I don't have had always this problem, but I can't remeber if the problem begans with the last update of IE.

If somebody have had the same problem and has a solution I will apreciate the help, Than you.