Downloading sound vs. PC way


I'm trying to download sound effects for a simple piece I'm editing, however . . .its not working as well as I hoped.

The file a .wav file, and only downloads through Internet Explorer, and does NOT download to the hard drive.

For example: On PC's you can right click and go to "Save Target As" or whatever.

I tried File/Save As . . .

and then saving them as .wav OR .aiff.


I'm at a lost!
can you give us an example? some types of streaming audio are not downloadable. if the file is .wav to start with you should be able to download it. ie is terrible for downloading anything. almost any other browser handles downloads better than it does. but you should still be able to right click and select download link to disk and have it work if it is a valid file and not streamed. you shouldn't have to rename anything.
A trick for snagging files that are stubborn (even mp3's that are set to stream only or quicktimes) in IE is to:

1. Copy the link to clipboard
2. open the download manager
3. get info on one of your old downloads
4. paste the link into the url spot
5. change the name
6. click reload

I hope that gets em for ya. :)
You might also get it to work by Alt-Shift clicking the link. OR control-click the link and select "Save linked document as ..."