Dragging pics into Safari causes crash, HELP


A Mac New Guy
I dragged pictures into Safari on this website(experimentation), and Safari crashed twice. I am assuming it was from the dragged pictures. Which reminds me, how do you get pics onto your replies? I don't know how. Anyway, has that problem occurred to any of you guys out there?

Do you mean for attachments? Click "Post Reply" (the white button next to "Previous Thread | Next Thread"), type your message, and click Manage Attachments. A box should pop up; click browse, find your picture, click Add, and then either add another one or click Done. Then post your reply.

To embed an external picture, put "img" into brackets [], enter the full URL (http://etc.), and close it with [/img].

When you drag pictures into Safari, it should open them in the browser, granted that they are the right type (JPEG, GIF, PNG, TIFF, others I'm sure). I'm not sure why it's crashing on you.
I would imagine it would open any image that quicktime/preview will read, with the obvious exception of PDFs. (though this would be good if it could happen too)