Dreamweaver & MySQL


I have installed MySQL on a server and will use Dreamweaver to continue to develop a site which is on that server.
I've set up a "dbconnection" in dreamweaver (on my client computer) but for some reason I get an error when testing the connection to the MySQL-server.

HTTP Error Code 404 File Not Found. Here are some possible reasons for the problem:

1) There is no testing server running on the server machine

First I thought it was the restrictions of the user that connects to the MySQL-server (not allowed to connect from other than localhost). but that wasn't the case, cause I can use apps like SQL4X Manager to connect, browse and edit the database from my client computer, with the same connection-info as in dreamweaver.

I have managed to get it working using OS X Server 10.1 and the eSuite4X-MySQL-distrubution. But now, I'm using OS X Server 10.2 and the MySQL included in the OS.
I have tried with Dreamweaver 6.0 that I used when it worked (now I'm using 6.1), but that didn't help.

The site works perfectly with the dvconnection I'm using in dreamweaver, so it's just in dreamweaver it doesn't work.

Does anyone got an idea of what might be wrong here. Is it the dreamweaver preferences?

Settings in Dreamweaver

MySQL Connection (databases):
Connection name: dbconnection
MySQL Server:
Username: user
Password: ••••••••
Database: databasen
(This is the what i'm using with SQL4X Manager when it's working)

Remote info (sites):
Access: ftp
an so on...

Testing Server: (sites)
Server model: PHP MySQL
Access: Local/Network
Testing serv folder: "same as 'local root folder' in 'local info'"
I changed every adress in the dreamweaver settings(site) to the IP-adresses instead. And it started working.