Driver for IOMega CD Burner?



How does it work with external cd burners on OS X? I have an IOMega CD USB burner. I use it with Windows 98 (doesn't work on Windows 2000, but I guess that's not important). I know it supports OS 9, or something. But how do I make it work on OS X? I know they have no support yet for OS X. Is there some generic way to make a CD Burner work on OS X?

Dunno. I have the ZipCD USB drive too. They said they won't work on Powerbooks, but I proved them wrong. 8) I'm going to wait until I get the 10.1 upgrade from FTP here, as nobody around me has it. I'll let you know if I succeed, though.
I have an iomega ZipCD. and, as shitty a burner as it is, it has worked like a champ ever since i could burn through iTunes (10.0.3?). It works like a champ in X.1 ever since g48.

(also works under toast X)

OK, I will try to burn some music with iTune on this wonderfully bulky burner.

But as for Toaster, are you talking about the 30-day trial update to classic Toaster? Are there no freebies out there? Is it so hard for developers to port classic apps to osx apps that there's a hefty charge for the porting?

I'm talkin about the Toast Titanium public beta. And I think it will be free to titanium customers...

But, am I the only ZipCD owner who has regretted buying this burner since the day you bought it? This damn thing burns on like 2 brands of CDRs, and even then its slow, bulky, and doesn't burn correctly more than 80% of the time.... Or did I just get a lemon?

Well, using the ZipCD burner on Win98 and Win2000 I never had a problem. OK, sometimes it freezes the whole system, but that is a rare case. It's slow, but it was one of the first USB burners available for mac and win.

Maybe you should buy a new CD burner? I saw a special for $179.99. was it on IOMega?

Good luck!
Originally posted by godzookie
But, am I the only ZipCD owner who has regretted buying this burner since the day you bought it? This damn thing burns on like 2 brands of CDRs, and even then its slow, bulky, and doesn't burn correctly more than 80% of the time.... Or did I just get a lemon?

I think you got a lemon. :(
I've burned successfully with mine on 4 or 5 different brands of CD, and the coaster rate is very low, maybe around 5%.
I'm loving the ease of burning with the Toast beta in 10.1.
This toast beta you have requires the classic toaster for mac? Or can I install it without toaster for classic?

It says you need to have the OS 9 version of Toast 5, but didn't ask for any registration info from me. It may have read the relevant info right off my hard drive.
If you want to check it out, go here.
maybe you should buy a new cd burner?

Shea, as if. After getting screwed by iomega on 4 zip drives (click of death) and the zip CD, there is no way in hell I'm gonna buy another iomega product for as long as i live. (or as long as i can avoid it :P )

I have the Iomega ZipCD 650 USB 4x2x6 CD-ReWritable drive also. I use Apple Disc Burner and Apple iTunes with it. I have had 0, that is zero, problems. I see it better than it was even advertised. Because I noticed while burning a CD in Mac OS 10.0.4 that I was leary about letting the data flow stop as I would end up with a shiny new coaster. But I took the chance and opened TextEdit anyway I say the green read indicator light slow down it's blinking rate I got worried but than I saw the write (red) light go out for a moment (and heard the writing process) stop and than it continued. Afterwards I listened to the entire CD and it was fine. So as it turns out that drive has a somewhat Burn-Proof technology. Very cool! I have never had a problem with Iomega products. You have some bad luck man and that sucks. I have a Zip 100 EIDE in my Power Mac G4 400MHz Sawtooth (AGP Graphics) and it works fine. I use my burner with my G4 as when I tried it with my PowerBook G3 333MHz Lombard and iMac 233Mhz revision A the hard drives were too slow and it would give me a buffer error. Kind of a safety thing again. But annoying until you figure out what's goin' on! :) So I guess good luck and have fun!
Even though I wouldn't have installed the drivers anyway. I bought my drive off eBay brand new! For $100.00 US. It looked like it when I got it. He said he would send the manual and drivers next but they never came. I've used it with only the drivers included with the Mac OS.
I downloaded toaster for tibook and my ZipCD burner burns fine based on preliminary burning test. Well, I never bought anything from eBay, but it seems like that was a lemon.

Thank you everyone for the help. Now I have a burner and a printer for my tibook. What more could I ask for?
