Drop Box Permissions


I'm running an iMac G5, OSX 10.3.9, with 2 user accounts and it seems there's no way of sharing files between them. I've tried using the drop box and the "shared" folder and result is always the same when I switch user : "you have insufficient access privileges". I've checked that both users have complete read&write privileges but same result . so fed up last night I burned a CD and switched users which is clearly ridiculous. Surely this is something that can be fixed?!! but I've searched the threads and all I can find is "repair permissions" or get some third party software to share files!
Repair permissions does not change anything in the /User folder so it will not nelp your situation. Use Get Info to determine ownership and permissions of your Drop Box folders and the Shared folder
The drop box in account A should have
  • Owner: A -- Read & Write
  • Group: Staff -- Write only (Drop Box)
  • Others: Write only (Drop Box)
The drop box in account B should have:
  • Owner: B -- Read & Write
  • Group: Staff -- Write only (Drop Box)
  • Others: Write only (Drop Box)
The Sared folder should have:
  • Owner: system -- Read & Write
  • Group: wheel -- Read & Write
  • Others: Read & Write
With these permissions even a non-administrative account should be able to
  • Write to the Shared folder and to the Drop Box folder in any other User's account
  • Read files in the Shared folder
  • Delete files in the Shared folder that were placed there from their account
  • Read/Write/Delete files in the Drop Box folder in their account only
I'm having the same problem. It reports about not having enough permissions and creates a folder in the drop box but none of the files. The drop box has Owner Read/Write/, Group Read/Write, Guest Write Only. Still doesn't work. It's a Panther server, and the workstation is running Tiger.

Any ideas?