??? Dsl Problems ???


I am new to home networking.
I am about to move to boston, and setup 2 computers on DSL.
However, I don't know what to get...
we have 1 mac os x computer
and 1 windows 98 computer

earthlink is too damn expensive,
verizon sounds like a cheaper deal...but there is no software for os x, and it says they don't support os x........

anyone got ideas??????????????
get a router. it will handle both platforms and osx support is irrelevant. they run under $100 these days.
Routers are definately the way to go... beat dsl modems hands down (no drivers required, OS independent, more features)... however, they are/can be a lot harder to configure (and sometimes, a looottt harder)

If you are gonna get one, and your not technically up to scratch with configuring DHCP etc... then find a friend (and scoure the web for reviews).

http://www.adslguide.org.uk have very good reviews (although based in the UK, but the reviews shouldn't be that different tech wise).
actually, i think you will still need the modem. the router goes between the computers and the modem. with my smc barricade 4 port router, one call to their tech support and i was set up and running in about 15 mins. the part that confused me was that you configure it thru your browser. but once i had them on the oline and they could tell me what to do quickly, i took advantage of it. never a problem since. We have a second imac hooked up with it and have hooked a pc laptop up on occassion with no problems. no 'connecting' as it does it automatically for you. and my provider, sbc global/pacbell, doesn't have any software or support for os x either.
if i get a router...do i need all the adapters verizon and earthlink tell me about??

and if i buy a router....what provider is best...or decent?
Verizon? Earthlink? ect?

i am in boston
i'm not sure what you mean by 'adapters'. you're going to need ethernet, ehternet cables, a dsl modem, line filters for your phone lines...er, that's about it i think. some of the providers throw in the modem and filters. mine did. and you're going to need to know the configuration info that they would have had you enter in their os 9 connectivity software.

as to who is best, i wouldn't know. sbc global seems ok, but not perfect. it seems to be more reliable now than when i first got it, but i still have trouble getting my mail every now and then (fetch errors). I wouldn't jump and down reccomending them and i wouldn't argue not to use them either. i don't think dsl has really been around long enough for many people to have tried a variety of providers yet.