The Incredible...
Originally posted by tsizKEIK
the link that Hulkaros posted was a very interesting test concernin photoshop and RAM ... i think u should read.
besides that. i think we should all wait for panther and then judge the G5... and even that is not good enough.. cause its true that all software has not been truely optimizzzed for G5
...for reminding people here this RAM matter because I think that the majority posting here still didn't get that RAM thing
YES, they should re-read that MacAddict thing and for those who want to buy ANY G5: Stuff it with loads of RAM
As for Panther, I'm pretty sure that it will give ALL G3/4 Macs a performance boost of at least 10% in about everything! For G5, I'm pretty sure that the boost will be of at least 20-25%...
Patience is virtue and G5 is the future wither we like it or not!