Seems like your signiture pretty much sums this up.
Not that I was personally attacking you or anything with my last post.
Pengu said:
If you want to use a new CPu/board/memory, (i'd like to see you even FIND a new apple motherboard) why not do what you seem so happy doing, and stick it all in a "standard cheap-o PC case" that has "more expansion than an apple case". Or you could realize that there are reasons things are the way they are.
I was simply refering to the ATX standard motherboard layout for PCs, not Apple computers. It's been around for quite awile now and is what makes reusing parts possible. If you have an ATX standard case, any ATX motherboard will fit (assuming that your case allows for custom back-panels). It would seem that this standard does not hamper progress at all. And I was not implying that one would somehow try to stuff Apple components in a PC case (like that kid with the G5 AMD
) but rather making a comparison between the two. While you may sacrifice style with the PC case, you get more for the money, Appple could change this without
too much trouble I would imagine.
Next i suppose you'll be complaining that there are no floppy drives on macs any more? and there's no scsi or adb or serial. oh, and there's no COAL CHUTE to power that ancient technology.
While I did at first find it funny that iMacs came with no floppy drive when they were new, I didn't find it shocking. And now I rarely ever touch a floppy anyway (this week being the exception, some files are too small to waste a CD on) and even most PC laptops no longer come with floppy drives. SCSI is still alive and well and no more expensive that SATA drives last time I checked and still used in servers and when someone wants a 10000RPM drive. I do still have a few SCSI devices that I use, btw. And I'm assuming the coal chute thing was a joke?
The future is not lots of 20 gig hard drives stuffed into a case with three cd/dvd drives, a 3 1/2", a 5 1/4" and 10 fans keeping it all below melting point.
Doesn't the G5 have like 9 fans with a heck of a lot less on the inside? Seems like a bad argument.
My point was that drives fail. They are mechanical devices and guaranteed to fail. You won't find a server using one 200GB drive, they'd use three or four smaller drives with a RAID setup.
As for more Hard drives. in case you missed it, the g5 uses serial ata. the SMALLEST serial ata hdd i've seen as an option in the G5 is 160 gig.the xserve offers 80gig drives, up to 250 gig. so even if we say you got your hands on an 80 gig xserve hdd for a g5. so you have 80 gig. you want more, but putting in another 250 gig isnt quite gonna cut it? sweet jesus man, next you'll be telling us you want apple to ship their systems with stupid frickin blue neon lights inside their towers.
My PC board has SATA also. But if it makes you feel better, I'm typing this on my
PowerBook and if mentioning PC hardware offends you, I'm sorry.