Dumb Question?


Can anyone answer my painfully stupid question? I am trying to install some software on iMac which has the CD drive in the side of the monitor.... can I insert a mini disc (smaller than the usual CD) into this drive? Don't want to have disc get stuck if mini disks are not suitable for my Mac,

thanks in advance for any helpful responses...
i personally wouldn't risk it. the 'bite' of the cd drive is quite deep inside before it sucks it in, so you might lose the disk....
To bounce off of that question. What are those mini CDs made for? What player can one put them in?
Powermac: any player with a tray, so most PCs and PC laptops. You'll notice tray drives have a smaller inset circle for mini cds or for things like those credit card sized CDs.

Also, i got one the other day with (unnecessary) drivers for a USB2 host card for my old G4 tower.
There are no dumb questions, only dumb users. (Sorry, couldn't resist.) ;) ... I think you should definitely _not_ try a mini CD (or one of those creditcard-formed, either) in a slot-in drive. I've heard of some people who dropped one into a PowerBook and then had a very hard time getting it out again...
Yep -- slot-loading drives are meant to take standard-sized CDs only. If you put a mini-CD or odd-shaped CD in there, I'd be willing to bet your next post here would be entitled, "Help! Cannot get mini-CD out of my slot-loading iMac!" to which the answer would be, "Take your iMac to an Apple Repair Center and empty your wallet to them." ;)