DVD 3.1.1 - G4 AGP - 10.1.3 - Hardware not Supported!


Hello all,

Well my DVD Player software worked fine under 10.1.2 but when I upgraded to 10.1.3 on my G4 400/AGP the DVD Player would not launch - instead it spat out a message saying this hardware configuration is not supported. I think I have updated the DVD Player twice from the software update control panel since the release of 10.1.3 - I'm at version 3.1.1 -> but still the player will not launch.

I read a post on this board talking about non english versions of OS X not being able to use DVD Player if the Graphite appearance was selected.

However I'm using the english version and I switched back into the "Blue" appearance but this didn't help. I have checked Apple's site for info and have found nothing. I think I am going to bark an email at them or something:(

Does anyone have any suggestions on fixing this? Is anyone with a similar setup having the same problem?

thanks in advance....
I have a g4/400 agp running 10.1.3 and I just updated dvd player to 3.1.1 and it works fine for me. try trashing the dvd player plist in user/library/preferences
Originally posted by jamall
I have a g4/400 agp running 10.1.3 and I just updated dvd player to 3.1.1 and it works fine for me. try trashing the dvd player plist in user/library/preferences

I tried trashing the dvd player list on several occasions - but thanks anyway
Reading somewhere that shifting into thousands of colors may solve the problem.

I could be completely wrong, but give it a try.

I have the same problem. All my software is updated and the latest and greatest. I do have dual monitors which may be a problem and will remove one and see what happens. If anyone else finds a fix, let me know.
I unplugged my second monitor and rebooted and dvd player worked fine.

That is not really a solution 'cause who wants to do that everytime. So, maybe this is a unsupported video card problem. My second card is a rage orien card and that is where my finder menu bar is. I opened displays and dragged my menu bar so it was on the monitor with my stock nvidia card and dvd player worked. the only thing is I cant drag the window over to the other screen and when I tried to drag the finder menu bar back to the other monitor, it crashed dvd player. So try this if you have 2 monitors.
I have the same problem and my second monitor is connected to an ATI Rage128 card. The same card as the one in the AGP slot. Strange why this shouldn't work. I think I'll have to send a griping letter to Apple too. Spent the whole afternoon trying to fix this stupid buggy .... ##!!!
I found this note on the ATI website:

Apple DVD Player and Mac OS X 10.1.3 - Invalid Configuration Reported
When running with multiple display cards installed, Apple DVD Player may complain that the configuration is invalid and will not start. The problem does not occur when running only a single AGP card in an AGP system.

If you encounter this problem, try physically removing any PCI display cards you may have installed, even if they are not currently connected to a monitor. The problem is not limited to ATI display cards (AGP or PCI) nor does it appear with all PCI card models. In certain configurations, it will make a difference on which screen the menu bar is placed.

If you are using a PCI card in a Beige G3 (which all have built-in graphics), you are running a multiple graphics scenario, even with a single display, and may not be able to work around this problem.

Please see the Apple Web Site for a possible OS or DVD update to resolve this issue.

This problem does not happen with Mac OS X 10.1.2, so you may consider using this version, if you have no alternative for your hardware configuration.