DVD Audio


Hi guys,

I think im posting in the correct section of the forum, but if not, I apologise....

Just a quick question really - Does anyone know of a piece of software that can rip audio from a DVD and convert it to MP3/WAV etc..

I know theres plenty of tools for the PC but not sure about MAC.

Anyhelp is always appreciated. Thanks in advance
I'm not aware of software that directly does this. There _is_ software to create movie files (MP4). With QT Pro, you should then be able to take just the audio track of that. I know: That's too much overhead, since video encoding takes much more time...
i used wiretap pro (shareware, google it) to rip the audio track off pink floyd - live at pompeii. wiretap just records whatever audio signals are passing through the soundcard at that point, so if a dvd is playing, it records the sound. you have to split the tracks up afterwards (iMovie can do this), but thats how i did it.
Thanks guys...Ive actually found a couple of programs that do it just fine...0SEx and MAC3dec. Pretty old apps I think but seem to do the trick.