DVD multi region DVD playback issue


Got a Mac mini the other weekend, and been playing raround with the features on it, one problem I've hit is play back of multi or rather dual region DVDs - for example Serenity is region 2 & 5 and will not play on the Mac Mini, complains that the region is incorrect. Odd considering the player is set to region 2.

Interested if anyone else has seen this issue ?

Looking at other threads, some software called VLC might be the answer - but I may contact Apple for a fix, as the DVD works normal players or PCs.

Cheers, Alex
Go to system preferences, CD&DVDs and ask it not to open dvd player when you insert a movie dvd.

then download vlc http://www.videolan.org/

put in the dvd, and open VLC, and from its menus select "Open DVD". VLC should open it fine.
You cannot change regions more than 7 or so times I believe, so it'd be better to get VLC..
Erh... May I interrupt and ask if anyone has ever had a problem with multiregion DVDs on Macs? I don't have any, really. Only codefree ones, region 1 and region 2. But if the disk is encoded for region 2 and 5, it *should* play fine if DVD player is set to region 2. Or 5, for that matter. So instead of simply giving workaround-answers, *I*'d still be interested in the reason for this problem. So, yes I *would* ask Apple about this problem, too...