DVD play back issues (do I need a DVD Decoder Card?)


I've reconfigured the apple dvd player to play dvd's from my external firewire ezquest DVD player. Problem is, after about ten minutes of playing, green boxes appear all over the picture and renders the movie unwatchable.

I have a Radeon 7000 graphics card but I have read about DVD Decoder Cards for G3 Blue and White's and I'm wondering if this is something need in addition to my Radeon 7000 card.

Anyone have any thoughts?
Have you tried VLC (a free program)? It will play DVDs well, if you have a g4 and a good graphics card (which you do).

I have. I don't think the player is the problem. I think the problem lies in the rendering. That's why when I heard about a dvd decoder card in addition to the Radeon card, I thought it might help my problem.
Your Radeon 7000 should handle DVD decoding without a problem. It has more than the necessary processing power to decode video - heck, that's ATI's forté.

Probably a software compatibility problem.

Originally posted by petetschudy
I've reconfigured the apple dvd player to play dvd's from my external firewire ezquest DVD player. Problem is, after about ten minutes of playing, green boxes appear all over the picture and renders the movie unwatchable.

I have a Radeon 7000 graphics card but I have read about DVD Decoder Cards for G3 Blue and White's and I'm wondering if this is something need in addition to my Radeon 7000 card.

Anyone have any thoughts?

Lots of them here:

and here:

:rolleyes: :D :p ;)
