DVD Playback is HERE!


Uber Geek.
That's right boys and grils. You read right. Screw waiting for Apple to drag their feet. Please point your browser to


Here you will find vlc, and directions on how to compile and use the program.

Happy days are here again!
Grab a DVD and stick it in!
DVD viewing pleasure in OS TEN!
Happy days are here again!

Cha Cha Cha!

Originally posted by jdog
Too bad it doesn't play encrypted dvds.


No, it doesnt.... yet. As with all OpenSource app's, give it time. And, it is still better than what we have now, which as I recall is nothing.

I am betting it will be able to play all DVD's before Apple decides it wants to release it's own DVD player. Then again, Apple could release a DVD player and prove me wrong.

eh :/

I doubt it, as its illegal for someone to use DeCSS, which is what most open source projects build support for. So unless they plan on being sued by the DVD people (RIAA I think?) they will probably not let you play encrypted dvds. And from what I hear, we can probably expect Apples DVD player out sometime next month around the macworld.

I am not knocking the work those folks have put into their dvd player, but right now, without the ability to play encrypted DVDs, its usless to me.

am i just stupid or something? i can't find where to download it....i clicked on the download button on the left but no OS X download spot...only Linux....
Originally posted by HyperLiteG4
am i just stupid or something? i can't find where to download it....i clicked on the download button on the left but no OS X download spot...only Linux....

Click on download under the VideoLAN Client area. Then download vlc-0.2.80.tar.gz under Latest Tarballs. When stuffit is done with the file, move the vlc-0.2.80 folder to your home directory. Open up terminal, and type cd vlc-0.2.80 then ./configure && make
Ok, I did what you said, but I can't launch the app. So now what? Forgive me I'm a total *nix newbie, and this is the first app I've compiled.
jurneyman, I tried the instructions you told me but it gives me some errors. it says 'no acceptable cc found in $PATH'

what's that mean? sorry i probable sound like a moron....I'm still learning linux and the commands....
Originally posted by HyperLiteG4
jurneyman, I tried the instructions you told me but it gives me some errors. it says 'no acceptable cc found in $PATH'

what's that mean? sorry i probable sound like a moron....I'm still learning linux and the commands....

Sounds like you havent installed the dev tool's.
Originally posted by Zapski
Ok, I did what you said, but I can't launch the app. So now what? Forgive me I'm a total *nix newbie, and this is the first app I've compiled.

Send the author an email, and remember, vlc is still alpha ware.
I can't launch the vlc.app application, but if I go into the vlc.app/Contents/MacOS directory and run the vlc command there, then I get the menus and everything.

Odd. But it's better than anything else out there! Kudos.

So I can kind of run the application, but what DVDs in the US aren't coded Region 1? Does anyone know of any? None of mine are. Or is it, "none of mine aren't?"

Will the App allow me to change regions ?
I have a region free drive, and though my Drive never will lock the computer will, in OS 9, I had to use "region" to convince my computer to change regions.

Will this player NOT change my Region setting ?
