DVD problem


i've been watching DVDs on my mac for some time, never had any problems. now i bought one, but OS X 10.2 won't mount it. when i start up using os 9.2 everything works fine. i rechecked with other DVDs, the problem is only showing up with this particular DVD.

any ideas?
It's probably a bad movie - you didn't want to watch it anyway - Jaguar is just helping you realize it. :p

Certain DVDs don't play well on computers, especially old ones and unrated ones.
If it works in OS 9, it could be that the OS 9 DVD code includes a hack to make that kind of DVD work, and that hack was left out / doesn't work well in the OS X version.

That's the truth as I see it, but maybe someone else has better advice
i wish this would be true :) but i know that movie and it just rocks...

well anyway, i'll just rip it then, and pass it on...
got it! i found out why the DVD won't mount under os x. the volume title has an 'umlaut' in it. the console.log told me.... should have checked it earlier...

Hmm, I wonder if you could mount the volume manually? Does X just spit it out after you put it in?
no, it just doesnt mount. i tried to mount over the terminal, but i don't know the right syntax, i think. can you help?