

Apple Avid
i heard that if you rented a movie lets say from blockbuster (dvd), you caould not burn it to a blank dvd-r disk because apple doesnt make a 2 bay drive. well i mean, one is used for superdrive, and other for zip. i find this annoying because you have to hit burn, take out dvd after makes like a small img to ur hd then put in blank, and it will copy back over. if apple makes two drive and a zip(3 bays total) it will be: A) easier, B) less hassle, C) leass annoying.

is there any way to burn a dvd?(like copy one dvd to a blank disk)
Only DVD's made in iDVD or a DVD without the CSS encryption. You could decrypt it using one of the many tools out there and burn it, but that's not disc-to-disc copying, so I won't go there :-p

If you have a disc made in iDVD, you can just make a disc image of it, and burn it to a blank DVD and it'll work just fine. Just not with commercially made ones. Apple isn't that dumb :-p
This is the same with just about any system, Mac or PC. Having 1 or 2 cd-roms has nothing to do with it, it's all with how the DVDs are encoded/decoded. You can't just stick one in and copy it.
but having another cd bay would be helpful :o a 24x cd burner and then dvd drive, the superdrive is to slow on normal cd burning for my tastes
Yes and no. You can create an image and leave parts of the DVD out (since most movie DVDs are bigger than 4.7 gigs), but I made the experience that it never works, so you have to rip the video/audio streams you need and drop them into DVDSP to burn them. Copying a DVD is - if you don't know what it's all about - not an easy task. I even had movies I had to reencode to fit them onto 4.7 gigs. Copying a DVD is not as easy as copying a CD...
I you ever get spam mail.. you would see many spam mails that talk about a program that will allow you to copy dvd using a regular cd-rw drive. They fail to mention that what it does is turn the DVD into a VCD using decoding/re-encoding method.

I'm not familar with the process with copying a DVD to DVD, but I have seen the process to Copy a DVD to VCD. The effort is sometimes meaningless though, unless you really have a lot of time on your hands.

First you use a DVD extracting program. There are apps available on all platforms.

Then depending on the format you want to choose, you will have to decode the stream from it's current format into the format you want (format settings for VCD are different from DVD). I know that re-encoding for VCD has taken me about 8 - 10 hours for a whole movie of about 160min. The encoding process is done on my PC and the apps that I use are TEMPG-encoder and Virtualdub. I have not used any encoders on OSX yet so I don't know what is available for encoding on that platform.

Then of course is the legality of the copy. I hope you are not on this site to steal DVDs from Blockbuster and sell them to others. If that is your intent, I would look elsewhere for info. The copies I make are of home movies from VHS and even some DVD movies of my own personal collection that stay with me.

There are many resources on the internet on this subject and I'm sure you would find a lot more of what you are looking for out there.
Originally posted by Nick(blastic)
how can i put more than 90 min on a dvd-r. even at a lesser quality, i dont care. what programs do i need to do this???


If you're willing to have to play it on a computer and not any random DVD player, encode them to QuickTime files and burn the DVD in data mode.

Or am I misunderstanding what you want?
i wanted to be able to play them on a stand alone. any other dvd edit-burn programs that can help? im will to sacrifice quality for quantity