DVD-Rom update to read burned DVDs?


Dark Archon
Ive got a pismo G3 PB with a DVD Rom, the problem is that the drive won't read burned DVD's (They're backups of my original's Mr. FBI agent listening to forums! Honest!! ;) ) Is there a way to update the drive driver's (redundant??) so it will read the burned DVD's??

There's no firmware update, as far as I know, for those DVD drives. What speed were the DVDs burned as? The DVD-ROM drive in the Wallstreet is an older drive, and may not be fully compatible with home-brew, recordable DVDs. What is preventing you from simply sharing the DVD from the iMac to the PowerBook over some sort of network?
ElDiabloConCaca said:
There's no firmware update, as far as I know, for those DVD drives. What speed were the DVDs burned as? The DVD-ROM drive in the Wallstreet is an older drive, and may not be fully compatible with home-brew, recordable DVDs. What is preventing you from simply sharing the DVD from the iMac to the PowerBook over some sort of network?

well the imac is at work, the pb comes home with me. not to mention, the imac doenst have a dvd drive :(

oh well :(
