DVD Studio Pro 4 crashing


I have searched high and low for a solution to this problem, but please forgive me if I haven't searched high or low enough.

I have managed to burn one DVD on my Mac using DVD Studio Pro - but it took a few crashes and restarts to get there. Since then, I've had no success. I have created a project and I'm ready to burn/build, but everytime I try, it tells me it is compiling the first menu (of one) and then the program crashes and gives me the option of closing, viewing the report or re-opening. This happens every time, whether I'm trying to burn to disc or build to a folder.

Any help would be very greatly appreciated. I am new to Macs and have just bought a Macbook Pro 2.14, 2GB RAM, OS 10.4.
Something is wrong with the drive. Call Apple since you first bought it. This should not happen.
Thanks for the reply. However, I am able to copy and burn DVDs and CDs using Toast, and my drive can read DVDs perfectly well. My drive works with everything except DVD Studio Pro. Does that mean it could be another problem?
I managed to solve the issue simply by repairing my permissions and restarting. It then burned fine. I don't really understand what repairing permissions does though! Is it like a defrag or scandisk on a PC?
Nope. Permission in OS X (and OS X is Based on BSD Unix) is a Unix thing on every individual file. Installers sometimes mess up certain "permissions" on certain system files that need to be a certain way. What you should do is download the FREE simple program Yasu every once in a while. Also look over this document to get an idea what is going on behind the screen in OS X.