DVD wont Mount


Hi there. I have run 10.4 for about a month now having trouble reading DVD's on my Pioneer A-109. It won't mount a DVD (RW, DVR, and or a store DVD) Will read CD's fine, but not DVD's. I thought that the drive has failed, but here is the kicker. I still have 10.3.9 on my other drive and it see's all of my DVD's (burned and store bought), pulled the drive and put it in an XP machine and it reads fine. Firmware is up to 1.58. Held down option-command-p-r and held for 2 startup, repaired permissions. Installed new cables,(data) moved pci cards around, no help. When a DVD is installed a get a window that says: "The disk you inserted was not readable by this computer". Under System Profiler this show under disk burning "PIONEER DVD-RW DVR-109:

Firmware Revision: 1.58
Interconnect: ATAPI
Burn Support: Yes (Apple Shipped/Supported)
Cache: 2000 KB
Reads DVD: Yes
CD-Write: -R, -RW
DVD-Write: -R, -RW, +R, +RW, +R DL
Burn Underrun Protection CD: Yes
Burn Underrun Protection DVD: Yes
Write Strategies: CD-TAO, CD-SAO, CD-Raw, DVD-DAO
Media Type: DVD-ROM
Blank: No
Erasable: No
Overwritable: No
Appendable: No
Also have the setting when a DVD is inserted play with DVD player. Is there a preference or a file that I can delete to repair? Thanks for the help if you can. Running a G4 400 AGP, 200 and a 20gig maxtor, 64 meg ATI, Acard PCI to IDE, 896 ram.

PS: More of the story...
Ran "fsck" and looks like disk is OK. Restart in safe mode, and login and DVD shows up on desktop!! Disabled all login start-up, and restart still no change. Something with safe mode makes it work. Any ideas?
Russmacman said:
...I still have 10.3.9 on my other drive and it see's all of my DVD's (burned and store bought), pulled the drive and put it in an XP machine and it reads fine. ... Restart in safe mode, and login and DVD shows up on desktop!! Disabled all login start-up, and restart still no change. Something with safe mode makes it work. Any ideas?
That would then verify that something in your startup software, or in the account setup is the problem. Have you tried creating a new user, and logging in as that user? If you can mount that DVD with a new user, then something in your user settings/preferences, or some utility or some app that you have installed on your system, perhaps one that affects the appearance, or affects the use of the Finder. I'm being vague here, only because there's way too many possibilities. The standard system troubleshooting steps, listed here many times, will be a help for you.
Thanks for the reply. i did setup a new user (admin) and there were no startup app's listed. Same as other login, no mount of DVD. It will see the install 10.4 cd (mount it).
If I open console and look at system log see this:
May 23 00:18:25 russ-*****-power-mac-g4 kernel[0]: com_lexar_driver_LexarFilterScheme[0xf9f3000]::getProvider()
May 23 00:18:25 russ-*****-power-mac-g4 kernel[0]: com_lexar_driver_LexarFilterScheme[0xf9f3000]::getProvider()
Well over a 100 of this. Should I look for any thing "Lexar" and trash it?
There is so much info in this console log(s), is there a line I can look at to further troubleshoot? Thanks again for the help
Do you have a Lexar card reader? That may not need any extra drivers with 10.4, and 'anything Lexar' might be safely removed. You may want to plug in your Lexar card reader, and check that those messages stop.
The 10.4 installer is a DVD - did you replace that with a CD set?
Have you updated to 10.4.6 ?
Go into the hard drive/Library/Preferences. Open the SystemConfiguration folder, and delete the file autodiskmount.plist (the system may need a password when you do that). Restart to your normal user (Full shutdown first, and let sit for a minute or two before starting again.)

If this does not help - you may want to try a reinstall of Tiger, choosing the archive and install option.
I do have a lexar card reader, and will clear anything that says Lexar. Yes I can mount my 10.4 DVD on the desktop, and also any CD will open-mount. I'm also running 10.4.6. I will delete the autodiskmount.plist.
Thanks again, will try this tonight when I get home. Will let you know, Russ
Well everything I did just made my DVD drive laugh at me! So I ended up doing a archive install. After 10.4.3 was loaded I put in many of my DVD's, and all of them mounted!. Did a repair permissions, did all updates and now at 10.4.6 and DVD still mounts. Will clear out logs and see if after other installs if it rears its ugly head again. Thanks again for all the help, Russ