E Mail Addresses


where are they stored? can I get a list of them or do I have to scroll through my inbox and record them one by one- I would like to set up a mass email to many people Thanks

'e-Mail Addresses where are they stored?' - assuming your are referring to Apple's 'Mail' e-Mail'er application - the e-Mail addresses are stored within 'Address Book' ('/Applications/Address Book/'). Other e-Mail'er applications use their own Address Books.

'can I get a list of them ...'' - ...
01. In the 'Viewer Window' click on the 'New' e-Mail toolbar icon button, or select the 'File, New Message' menu item. A 'New Message' window will appear.
02. Click on the 'Address' toolbar icon button. A floating 'Addresses' window will appear. Any 'Address Book' entry with an address, will also have the e-Mail address listed in the 'Addresses' window.
03. Select an individual or individuals (with the 'Command' key pressed), and then click the 'To' button.
04. To create 'cc' e-Mail addresses - repeat step 03; but, click on the 'Cc:' button.
05. Close the 'Addresses' window.

'... or do I have to scroll through my inbox and record them one by one' - for those not in your 'Address Book', yes.

To add any 'Inbox', or any other, mailbox e-Mail message e-Mail address(es) to your 'Address Book' ...
01. Open the e-Mail message.
02. Move the mouse over the 'From:' fields e-Mail address, and to the far right - until a down arrow appears) or do a right button (<control>, if with a single button mouse) click - and a contextual menu appears. From the contextual menu you can create a new 'Address Book' entry, etc.
Also if you are referring to email address in Apple's Mail ( when creating a new email) you have some things to deal with. apple Mail auto completes email (in the "to" line). Mail gets these addresses from your Address Book and also from your previous received email. In Apple's Mail you can see all these auto complete addresses by open Mail, then going to Mail's menu item "Window"->'Previous Receipts'. You then can clear the ones you don't want to auto complete in Mail's "to" line.