Earthlink Dsl Users, Help!


Into the Breach
OK, we figured our DSL modem was destroyed from 9/11 but we found it in my house and it works; as in, it turns on and everything, connects to EarthLink, etc. We thought it was a goner, so we ordered DSL service again, asking for another modem and all. Obviously, we can't ask them what settings we should use, because they think we don't even have our modem yet, but it's been almost a month and they haven't even shipped it yet. We're getting really impatient, as you can probably imagine. That's why I'm asking you guys. The settings EarthLink lists on their page don't work. So, uh, what settings do all of you who use EarthLink DSL have in OS X? Thanks... maybe I can get an answer from a bbs faster than from cust. service :p
i use pachell, but my advice would be to just not type in the domain name servers. just use the try that. my experience is that the more info you can make it come up with on its own, the better it works
Call them and tell them what you've told us. There is a way for them to grab information from your aDSL box if it is actually negotiating and establishing a link back to Verizon's central office (regardless if you have Earthlink or not as an ISP). The reason why it's not working with your old IP numbers or any new ones is because you need to be authenticated to run on their networks. Your aDSL box ID (circuit ID) is more than likely an unknown and unauthorized device.

FYI - Verizon owns all digital circuits in NYC.