#include <iostream>
int main (int argc, const char * argv[])
// insert code here...
int niner = 0;
cout << "enter an integer and hit return" << endl;
cin >> niner;
cout << endl << niner << endl;
return 0;
That's my main, and my whole program. It is admittedly sparse, and it has a tendency to want input before it refreshes the display... but I suppose it might help someone on this list. Also important to understanding cin and cout may be to understand what these actually mean. They're not just command line interface. Using unix redirection, you take standard output from your tool and pipe it to another tool, or vice versa. Unix is crazy.
As for your headers, put them in your project, add them to source, or make a folder called headers in your project... the project builder just needs to be able to find them. I'm sure these details are changing from one version of project builder to another, so RTFM, (read the manual)
Play around. read some pdf's. enjoy yourself.