Allan Crowson
I am attempting a trial migration of our OS9/WebSTAR/Lasso intranet site to OSX/Apache/Lasso(OSX beta!), and need to be able to edit text files. Lasso requires the files to have a .lasso suffix, rather than HTML, and I need to be able to edit the files. Under OS9, any number of editors (SimpleText, BBEdit, Tex-Edit) could open text files regardless of any suffixes. Now, under OSX, I can't open a simple HTML text file with a .lasso suffix! Yes, I tried the OSX beta for Tex-Edit. I've yet to open a previously existing document and not crash. So much for that. The bundled TextEdit insists on trying to render the HTML, and I can find no way to get to the underlying source. The bundled HTML Editor won't open half the .html files I have, even in source mode, and absolutely refuses to recognize any .lasso files. Does anyone know of a way to work in plain old HTML source mode on HTML files, especially files with something other than a .html suffix? Without going into Classic?!?!?