Ellen Feiss Interview anyone?


cocoa love
Well I wanted everyone to know that an Ellen Feiss Interview has been posted.


For real , a girl cute as her, and she's only 3 years younger than me, and she uses a Mac, is like any Mac Users dream :)

For real, when i first clicked on the link for the first 10 times or so the website couldnt allow anymore visitors on it, "Maximum number of users already connected." Ellen Feiss is so awesome. :)
"hey baby, see my BIG g4? wanna go out with me?"

I will never understand what the fascination is with this chick... She was in ONE apple ad. It's not like she's a supermodel.

Some people...
i guess some people show an affinity towards people who are, uh, under the influence of, uh, benadryl.
I don't think Ellen Feiss is necessarily a Mac user. As the article states, she just happened to be at the set while they were looking for more people to make switch ads. She didn't write a letter to Apple as their website would have you believe and before this I highly doubt she even thought twice about the difference between a Mac and a PC.

Also, if you watch her switch ad, never does she mention that she has or uses a Mac. All she does it tell a story of how her PC "ate her paper." She basically says that Macword and Steve Jobs are lame so I doubt she could care less about Apple.

Apple also advised that she not take pursue anything as a result of her switch ad. Shouldn't Apple be proud of all their new switchers? Why wouldn't Apple want her to get her story out? Perhaps because her story has nothing to do with Macs at all. Perhaps because they just picked her and told her what to say. Considering that her letter to Apple is obviously a lie, what else about the rest of these swith ads aren't true?

Apple's worst enemy, a candid 15 year old little girl. :p
Originally posted by terran74
It's not like she's a supermodel.

Exactly - she's a human, has character. Attractive like. Unlike, say, generic waif model T870X.

And anyway, who'd want to date a supermodel - hug one of those things, you'd put your eye out on one of those protruding bones. Blecch.
Originally posted by terran74
I dunno, I think Jeremiah Cohick is far more interesting than this chick... :)

Sadly enough, even though I have no homosexual tendencies... I do find him far more intriguing than Ellen.

The only thing she's got going is she's female. :p
oooh, she's 1 year younger than me

but she ain't bad, just not THAT cute

Janie didn't really catch my attention either
Liza ain't that cute either

a bit of reply to the referred thread, slightly off topic to Ellen Feiss , sorry lol
She has become a mac user and she owns an iPod which she loves.
Article: http://www.browndailyherald.com/post/stories.asp?ID=269
Now, why do people like her ad is because she looks out of it as if she smoked pot... you get the picture.
She has become quite popular in Holland where pot is something like coffee or tea.
I'm looking for pictures of the ellen feiss look-alike contest in Holland? - I've been told they are funny. Anyone? Any clue what the site's url is?

Beep beep beep beep.... and I was like.... huh! "Someone has to be high to speak like that :p"


Computers aren't like air conditioners and they don't stop working when you open the windows. - I don't know where you got that from??? - Another macPOTTER. - Giggle.