emacs for $779!

Dang. I wish i would have known about this or it was out this price when my mom got hers! She is in elementary education and I got her to get the snow imac because it was cheap and basic for what she needs. This would have been a lot better because its a G4.

edit: My mom got hers back in september so I'm doubting this would be the case. I can't remember what the emacs were back then.
I thought that Apple was selling the emacs editor for $779 :eek:

I figured that they had changed the name to iEdit, gave it a chrome interface, and to make it user friendly, disabled all meta keys except command. :D
my background is geeky, I actually used unix before I ever used a Macintosh (and returned to Macintosh because it is a unix), so emacs is something different to me. It's a very powerful family of text editors which happens to be available for free. So I saw that and thought Apple must be insane charging $779 for emacs! Then I saw that it was actually an eMac! That made much more sense.

Anyway, there's no real point to this post but I'd have never read the preceding posts if it weren't for me trying to find out how Apple would justify selling something you can get for free for $779.
Oh man I've been typing too many .cc files, everytime I see the word 'emacs' I automatically think of that text editor ;). I realized that it couldn't have been the text editor after seeing that price though