Email Edition

Originally posted by twister
I haven't gotten an Email Edition in days. Is it broke? Or did it forget about me?


Didn't you just hit the "Unsubscribe" button by accident? ;)
I didn't unsubscribe that i know of. I just went into the email edition area and it had my choices selected with a time just like before. Then i re-selected them and hit submit again and we'll see if it works now. Who knows.

Last night i changed my time from 6pm to 6am and one arrived at 6am!

I also chaged it to send me stuff from the last 24 hours instead of 'since last email'

So one of those was screwing me up.
Then i changed it back to 6pm and got nothing. Then changed it to 8pm and it worked fine.

So i believe that 6pm is broken, somehow.