emailng from iphoto, solutions ID new problems


In the process of trying to repair permissions as a remedy for my inability to email directly from iPhoto, I repeatedly get a message, "disk utility has lost its connection with the disk management tool and connot continue. please quit and relaunch disk utility." I'm using an iBook G4, i Photo 4.0.3 and entourage mac os x. the email function worked before and I am not sure what is different now.
Move "iTunes.pkg" and "iTunes4,pkg" from Library>Receipts,
to the desk top .. then run disk utility.
Thank you, Bob. I solved the original mailing problem, which was a case of user error since I had not selected entourage in the iPhoto preferences as my mail software. Is your fix above for the mail problem or the disk utility issue that arose in the course of trying to repair permissions? obliged, BG