Embarrassingly simple Finder question


This is an exceedingly and embarrassingly simple question I know but why is it that when I create a new folder in Finder that it is created NOT in the highlighted folder but in a parent folder?

I promise to ask more enlightening questions at some point in the future.
Hmm. That doesn't seem to be the case if you use column view, at least not for me...
Seems to me that if it made the new folder within the highlighted folder, then you wouldn't see the new folder unless the finder opened up the highlighted folder for you. And that would be quite disorienting.
For me, it just makes sense. I mean, if it was created inside the selected folder, it just wouldn't be nice and easy to figure out what was happening, at least for me.
It might be nice to hold the option key in addition to the Apple, Shift and N keys to do that though...
The column mode does indeed work. I didn't think to try that. I guess as a "switcher" I had some expectation about how new folders should be created at whatever level of hierarchy you had in mind. This column mode makes that possible. My intuition is different I suppose. I'll bug Apple about it some time. Nice idea about pressing the Alt key or some such thing to implement this function in other display modes in Finder. Thanks to all of you!
Please don't hit me, but I find column view annoying. I mean, it beats the other views for browsing, but I wish it were more like (I can't believe I'm saying this...)...Windows Explorer. I think this is the first time I have ever said I like something in Windows better than something in Mac OS, but here's my beef with column view....when you browse an item it shows the contents which is swell, but I wish it would open in a new column (basically adding columns as you browse). I find that with column view I am forever having to scroll back and find the parent folder I was in previously rather than just having a hierarchy of panes open. I realize that I can drag the window, but I wish column view was smart and would spring the panes up for me. : /
Not really...it makes the newly activated column the one displayed in the same column that you were already at....I am saying it would be neat if it would add another column to the right side of the window every time you click on another folder in the active column and you could resize the window when there were too many rather than every single time you browse a folder. :/