Emits noise when plugged into firewire port


When I plug in the memory card reader into my PowerBook's built-in firewire port, the device emits this high pitched buzzing noise. I thought the reader was defective, so I had it replaced and now on my second one and it's still making that same noise. It's to the point where I can't have the reader plugged in at all times because it's excessively noisy.

My external hard drive makes a buzzing noise too, but in order for me to hear it, I have to put my ear against the drive. And the external drive isn't even powered on, it's only plugged into the firewire port!

Is my PowerBook's firewire port defective? I don't have another firewire port in another computer to test it out.

Any info appreciated!

PowerBook Titanium 1GHz, 1GB RAM, 60GB drive, Superdrive
Mac OS 10.3.5
Any ideas what may be wrong here? Should I stop thinking about the strange noise, move on, and do something when it actually breaks/doesn't work?
Weird, I noticed when the Powerbook is running on battery the firewire devices don't make that noise. When power adapter is plugged in, the noise reappeared.