enclosure wont show up!!


Im using Tiger and in the past (Panther) my enclosure worked. Now (on Tiger) it will not show up when hooked to either USB or Firewire port! What can i do? The disk im trying to mount is NTFS. I tryied to use disk utility in order to locate the enclosure but it took along time plus the fact that everything seemed to freeze!
On the other hand the enclosure works perfectly on my pc (winxp prof) via the usb2 port!
zoranb said:
any suggestions??
Be more specific.

What kind of enclosure is it? What kind of drive does it have in there? Is it an all-in-one enclosure that you purchased, or did you buy the enclosure and drive separately and assemble it yourself? What specific kind of Macintosh are you using? Are you using a PCI USB/FireWire card or are you hooking the drive up to the built-in ports?
Its a Cronos encosure

It has an 30Gb IBM DTLA drive eide

I purchased it seperatelly and assembled it and hd is set to master

Im on a dual 1.8 G5 mac

Im using the built in usb and firewire ports

On my pc it has no problem, on the mac disk utility cannot locate the drive