End of Classic?

Once Photoshop 7 is out, will you be using Classic anymore?

  • Nope, see ya baby, nice knowing ya!

  • Yep, I still hoping Quark will get their heads out of their...

  • I only use OS9

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As SOON as I have photoshop 7, Dreamweaver (or Go Live if it hits first), and Flash, OS 9 is getting ERASED. Wiped with 0's. And I will celebrate that day, and burn my OS 9 CDs and watch them melt slowly.

If it wasn't for OS X I'd be a Windows user since last March. (Even though I was brought up from childhood on macs.)

Now here's the deal. If Go Live comes out first, I won't wait for Dreamweaver, which I have been using for years. No. I'll DELETE dreamweaver and use Go Live.

If Fetch never came out for OS X, I'd learn terminal FTP and become an expert at it. (Luckily Fetch came out, and Transmit is OK too, for FTP.)

See the pattern here? I am forcing OS 9 away, even if it means compromises.

Get off your ASSES people!

Someone said they need Netscape 4.x for their online bank. Screw that bank, then. Switch banks. My bank works with Explorer. Switching to OS X should be priority one. Anything else is less important. That's how bad OS 9 is. So switch banks. And move to OS X. Your bank lost you as a customer if they don't support the technology you need, which is OS X.

Someone is stuck on OmniPage for classic? Tough shit, that may never come out. Find another way to OCR, unless you make your living doing OCR. If not then compromise. Go OCR at Kinko's, or on a friends Window's box. Unless it's for school EVERY day, or for your living, ditch OS 9 and find another way.

Someone else said Outlook Express leashes them to the Hell of OS 9. Get Entourage. If you don't have money, pirate it. Who cares. You have to get off OS 9. If you pirate it, you can still save up money and buy it later. But you have to get off 9. Put OS X above your morals and pirate that shit.

You people need to do whatever it takes to switch to OS X! Don't wait passively! Make it happen!!

The only reason I still use classic mode is for photoshop, dreamweaver, and flash. Everything else I need has come out for OS X. I use these programs daily for my living so I can't ditch them and find another way.

My digital camera must be rebooted into 9 to work. So as soon as my apps above come out, if that camera still has no support, I'm throwing it in the ocean. The ebay ocean that is... heheh. I'm not keeping 9 on there just for my camera. I don't make my living with that. Sure, I may be camera-less for a while, but deleting OS 9 is the TOP PRIORITY.


In fact I'm making a new post of this to motivate people.
Solrac said:

I switched to Mac this year because I'm so sick and tired of being told what everyone must be doing. If we listened to the powers that be (Trust me on this, I was working contract for IBM though am out of favour now) we would all be running WindowsXP with Outlook and IE.
Do you have any idea how many PCs I've had to rescue this week from Outlook viruses? How many hard disks I've had to reformat to get them going again? And if its not that, its a Macro virus. All because some super-geek thought there was nothing more out there than what MS sells him, they have to ...
Breathe, dammit, calm down!
Anyway, if someone wants to stick with OS-9, or install Linux, or reprogram their Tibook to run their toaster (for optimum pop-tart productivity), its their business ...
Waiting for:

- optimisation in OS X for lower-end Macs (yeah right)

- DreamWeaver
- Decent Flash
- Software studio / sequencer music apps

Solrac just reminded me that in fact every individual has a unique opinion! :D
DVD Player on my beige G3,
Falcon 4.0,
NAV 8.0,
Diabolo II X,
TOAST and,
SPEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEED!!! (Not an app! :p :D :) )
Still a couple of appsfor everyday use: Dreamweaver and a Browser that supports java.

And then... I'm waiting for Cubase and music apps to be ported....
Netscape X 6.x, Internet Explorer 5.1.x, mozilla, OmniWeb 4.x ... AFAIK they all do JAVA, it's part of the OS even.
Actually, I just found a new use for Classic. I think it was the 10.1.1 update (from 10.1) that did it, but all the sudden my scanner's (HP5370C) sofware works (mostly) in classic. It's not fast, and it's not what I would count as stable, but it's not that much worse (stability-wise) than it was natively.

A good 10.1-native scanner package would go a long way to getting OS9 off my machine (aside from Photoshop, of course). I know that VueScan is available, but the UI is just so.... odd... Any alternatives that I missed?
I don't have a TV set so I use one of those nifty purple TV tuner boxes that ATI was including with their XClaim Rage 128 cards about 18 months ago. Although Mac OS X supports the Rage 128 for 2D and 3D the TV tuner features are nowhere supported. So I have to boot into Mac OS 9 to see my favorite cartoon shows.

One of these days maybe BTV will add support for this card under Mac OS X and then my Aqua universe will be complete!
By the way, for all you people talking about Dreamweaver and/or GoLive, Softpress were demoing an OSX native version of Freeway at the London MacExpo last month. And it looks like it's going to be great....
I only boot in to 9 when I need to burn. I have a USBXchange USB to SCSI adapter. Adaptec has told me they will not be supporting it in X. So I guess I'm stuck with OS 9 for a while.