Enough about me...

I really love sports that take me outside. I ski a lot all winter - every weekend. I also snowboard. I mountain bike, off-road, all summer long. I windsurf all summer, almost every weekend. Each summer I compete in a recreational beach volleyball league. In HS I used to compete in sychronized swimming, now I coach it :D
During middle school it was all about flag football, which we played in the spring and summer. It always turned into tackle football.

While I was there I learned I could run faster than everyone else. So, I went to high school, and into cross country. I would run 3.1 mile races in 17 minutes. It was great. Training was the best, at about 8 - 12 miles a day. (very, very meditative!)

My cross training was mountain biking off road.

I still mountain bike, everyday as a matter of fact. (How else should I get to the train station? ;) ) We have an aqueduct which goes through town so I get my off road kicks on that in the mornings.
(That link will also give you a little glimpse of the area I live in)
I also have taken up Ryu Renshi Dan karate which is a mix of shotokan, isshin ryu, and goju-ryu karate styles.
(I'm making their site now, you'll see it soon 'nuff)
I hate playing sports competitively but for fun I somtimes enjoy street hockey and soccer. I'm a ok defensive player in soccer and a pretty good street hockey goaly (sp?).
Wow. Who could have realized so many computer users (*geeks if you will) actually went outside their home doors for something other than women and grocerys (sp?).
hahaha...well trip, we can't let the ol arm muscles get atrophied from lack of use...cause if that happens it means no more posting on bulletin boards or chatting on IM ;)