Enterprise Backup Solutions for Mac OS X


Hey all,

This has been posted on AFP548.com and MacEnterprise.org, but since I was here first, I figured I'd throw a link here as well! :)

This is a review of some cross platform solutions for backing up Mac OS X Server and client. The review talks a bit about sizing your needs and then continues on to go fairly in depth into IBM's Tivoli Storage Manager, Tolis Group's BRU and Atempo's Time Navigator, which is brand new to the market.

One note, the BRU section is currently being re-written as I have new results to share. BRU was my first trial and it was done on a brand new tape library and a new host server, so they didn't get a completely fair chance. If you can't wait for the update, I can tell you that BRU is backing up 2TB of data very nicely. :)

The review is on my site, www.district13computing.com, under the Projects tab. I would copy and paste from the PDF, but it is over 20 pages in length, which isn't really easy to digest on a board.

Hope you enjoy it! If you have any questions, comments, etc, feel free to email me! miked_AT_district13computing_DOT_com.