Entourage 2004 and complex HTML messages


Since the Internet proxy was changed in my company, everyone that works on a Mac and uses Entourage 2004 (11.2.0) has experienced the same problem: we can't view complex HTML messages, even after we click on "download images...". It doesn't even ask for the user's password anymore when clicking on it...

If I use Mail, everything looks fine!

I've been trying to find something in the account's preferences, but I didn't find anything yet that may change the state of things...

Any ideas? And changing to Mail is not an option! (we need the calendar and address book integration of Entourage).
iCal and Address Book integrate with Mail just fine while accessing Exchange if they can access Exchange. Have you tried changing your proxy settings to the new ones?
MisterMe said:
Have you tried changing your proxy settings to the new ones?

Yes, in System Preferences > Network > Proxies.
The problem is, as with other non-apple apps, Entourage doesn't seem to be taking them into account (like Safari vs. Firefox - after I changed the proxy in the sys prefs, I still have to do it manually in Firefox, while Safari takes the changes immediatly).

Is there some place in Entourage where I can change that proxy?

I'd like to try Mail/iCal and Address Book, but the problem is that those programs have been removed by our helpdesk team :/