Entourage/Mail question


I'm having trouble copying & pasting a file name into Entourage or Mail. For example, if I highlight a filke name in the Finder, copy it and try to paste it into Entourage or Mail, it will not paste. Could it be a preference problem? Thanks.

Mac OS 10.4.2
'... copy it and try to paste it into Entourage or Mail, it will not paste.', I would guess - it depends where within 'Entourage' or 'Mail' you are attempting to pasted the copied item to.

Are you trying to paste the copied file name into a 'new message' of either e-Mail'er application? If so, it should paste.
In 'Entourage' only the file name will be pasted. The same applies to the e-Mail'er application - 'Eudora'.
In 'Mail' - a link to the actual file will be pasted, and the actual file will be sent - as an attachment.
If you highlight the file icon and copy, you are copying the location of the file, you could then paste the a copy of the file elsewhere on your HD...so click into the file name and then copy and paste.
Thanks patrean, I did not realize in my reply above, that I omitted the difference - between clicking on an item's (file or folder) icon, as opposed to, clicking once, waiting a second, and clicking again, on the name portion of the file or folder - before doing a copy ('Command C').

When the latter of the above is performed - all e-Mail'er applications ('Endora', 'Mail', 'Microsoft Entourage') accept the paste ('Command V') as text.